Driving Growth and Innovation with Venture.Community

Venture.Community offers investors a unique platform to participate in the growth of promising start-ups.

Whether you join as a Fellow - leading the investments or as a Community Member as part of our angel syndicate, there are numerous opportunities to make a meaningful impact while accessing a supportive and resource-rich community.


Joining Venture.Community as a Fellow provides for direct involvement in selecting and supporting start-ups, as well as joining in to provide delivery of mentorship and support.

We would often refer to these Fellow's as Parallel Entrepreneurs, Venture Studios, Venture Builders or Lead Angels.

If you're one of this experienced niche of advisors, Fellowship opens the door to actively participating in the creation or admission, and acceleration of new ventures within the community.

With the support of our community, you’ll have the tools and critical mass needed to guide these start-ups toward success while benefiting from your stake in their achievements.

COMMUNITY Membership

For investors who prefer a supportive role, Community Membership provides access to Venture.Community’s deal-flow without the responsibilities of full membership, it's open to VCs and Family Offices as well as individual Angel Investors.

Community Membership Plus for angel investors includes membership with the UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA), connecting them to a wider network of investment opportunities and insights.

Additionally, gain access to our shared resources and networking events, keeping them close to the pulse of emerging ventures within our community.

Our Angel Syndicate and Collaborative Investment Opportunities

Venture.Community’s angel syndicate brings together individual angels, family offices, and VC

funds to co-invest in high-potential start-ups.

Through this syndicate, investors have the chance to participate in exclusive deals and collaborate with other investors who share an interest in supporting innovative ventures.

Our co-operative structure streamlines the investment process, creating a dynamic environment where angels and VCs can maximize their impact through joint investment opportunities

By investing with Venture.Community, you’re not only backing start-ups with strong growth potential but also joining a co-operative network that believes in shared success.

Our community model ensures that each member benefits from the growth of others, creating a thriving ecosystem where investors, founders, and experts collaborate for mutual gain.

Whether you’re ready for full membership, community membership, or looking to collaborate in our angel syndicate, there’s a place for you. Reach out to learn more about how you can contribute towards the future of start-up innovation


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Atuin.Ventures Ltd, All Rights Reserved

Each Venture.Community is an independent regional Co-operative registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and operating under licence from Atuin.Ventures. Ltd